3 years ago, I had the biggest mental breakdown of my life.

I sat in my truck, tears running down my face.

It was the first time my son would see me at my weakest.

I was afraid to deal with the reality of being back on dialysis treatment.

I had forgotten what it felt like to be


Scared of the unknown

Starting over So many thoughts rushed through my head: How would he see me now? Am I still this strong figure he looks up to? My little sister Brenda saved my life that day. She left her job and walked me through a mental exercise of embracing my reality. What she said hit me.

” Manny, your son is waiting for you inside the house. He needs you. Josiah needs his father. So, take a moment, cry if you need to cry, dry your eyes, and get back in the game. We fight. You fought to get a kidney before. You can do it again”.

The words shaped me, Got my heart and mind in focus for the fight, And inspired this newsletter and the mission to help dads everywhere.

I'm here because you make it possible. I want my time on this earth as a father to be life-changing and leave a legacy for your kids and mine.

This community is an open canvas of experiences that have shaped my fatherhood journey thus far.

Regardless of your background, the trials you have faced are ones we all have.

All we can do is create a united front of fathers to help raise the next generation of great young men.

Are you with me?


