As a small boy, all I recall was we

“Would you be my neighbor? “

This soft-spoken man, oozed calmness, never screaming just confidence.

With a red cardigan, Mr. Rogers sounded and acted like the perfect parent.

He navigated through characters and topics some wouldn't dare talk about today.

Breaking barriers along the way, Rogers also had another side to him.

The truth is he wasn't perfect. His wife Joanne paints the perfect picture when thinking about her husband Roger.

“If you make him out to be a saint, people might not know how hard he worked,”

The truth was he was he had struggled like us all but he fought to be better in his personal life as a parent.

Here are 3 of the best lessons we can take from Mr. Rogers:

Lesson #1: “Embrace becoming a better listener”

Easily one of Mr. Rogers's greatest skills was his grace to listen.

He often said “Listen with your eyes, ears & heart. Let's start with just actually listening to our children when they are looking to not only be heard, but understood. Take the time to listen and become the best listener possible.

Lesson #2: “Perfection is overrated”

As parents we want to be perfect in every decision we make for our kids, this is simply not possible.

We often compare our outcomes silently to others on social media. Our children follow our lead and feel the need to be perfect when learning new skills. This often results in their failing and feeling defeated.

Instead, let's set a standard and grace period for actual learning and practicing so they become better.

Lesson #3: “Set the example.”

Your kids are watching.

Mr. Rogers as a kid often witnessed his parents do great things for his local community - from presents during Christmas to supplying the less fortunate with shoes and clothes. They set an example that he could follow.

You can do the same. What standard will you set for your children? Here’s your chance to set them up for success.


