The Beauty in Boredom
Do you help your kid when they’re bored?
We always find something, usually a device or app to fill the all in compassing Bored Syndrome.
Can we reverse this?
Do we look at boredom differently when it comes to our kids?
Helping and managing this is a big deal for a lot of parents.
There’s beauty in boredom.
Today we will tackle boredom in your kid's life and its hidden benefits.
Here are 3 ways to see the beauty in boredom:
1. Encourage Creativity
The key to boredom is staying a step ahead with creativity. Change it up. Not having a mobile device in hand pushes our kids to think outside the boundaries. It gives them an opportunity to read, think, analyze, and problem-solve.
2. Room for Rest
TV off, no phones, and having your kids sit and relax creates room for rest. Sounds impossible? The lesson of not being self-reliant on a mobile device can be huge in any kid's development long term.
3. Problem Solving skills
Children are often overstimulated. Being bored helps them navigate and work out problems in real time as well as helps build confidence in themselves.