The quickest lesson learned as parents is this:
We have amazing days, and we have days where we want to give up.
The simple truth is - it's all worth it.
Parenting has a way of changing its ugly head on you daily. Everything points to this journey being a sprint, when in reality it's more like a marathon. I'm here to remind you not to short-change your efforts.
Here are 3 steps to remember:
Step 1. "There's no training manual."
No matter how many videos you watch, books you read, or even advice given, parenting is a monster you won't be ready for. Get ready for a fun and rocky ride.
Step 2. "Prep for the good, bad, and ugly."
Like any race, there are stages we must get through to get to the finish line.
The key is embracing all the different obstacles along the way.
Step 3. "The power of positivity."
The race is hard.
There will be moments of frustration.
There will be times you will feel overwhelmed.
Those that actually finish the race have this secret weapon:
Positivity empowers you with a mindset that's ready to conquer any obstacle.
When you start with positive thoughts and determination, nothing can shake your foundation.
The real test isn't in parenting on the amazing days.
It's pushing through and remembering why you wanted to be a parent.