The Nature of Nurturing

I remember sitting at one of our favorite sushi restaurants with my wife and, at the time, our 3-year-old son.

I was struggling with something I hadn't encountered as a new father:

A hyperactive kid

It was as if he wouldn’t stop screaming and moving uncontrollably.

I was annoyed because I felt like I didn’t have any control.

I was out of options.

Fed up, I pulled him close and started to correct him.

My wife stopped me mid-way through my rant and simply said:

Manny, don't try to discipline Josiah out in public if your not willing to put the work in privately “

60 seconds of silence followed.

And in that brief moment, I understood the assignment.

Up till then, I had never really been challenged as a father.

Those words changed my perspective.

Nurturing my son was required.

It was with those words, that my journey to becoming a better father was born.

If you are currently or just beginning in your journey as a father or parent,

Here are 3 tips to understanding the nature of nurturing your child:

1. Start your process at home

Although it was rough to hear that day, the reality was I hadn't been focused on walking my son through anything just yet.

Starting the process early can happen with teachable moments and/or having conversations. This will prepare them when they come of age.

Setting a foundation starts at home.

Many of us try to be a “parent-in-the-moment” in a public setting. This is typically because we don’t want to be embarrassed. The rules and system you implement in private can help to prevent public outbursts.

2. Accept support

“Teamwork is what makes the dream work.”

Your success isn't guaranteed, but the odds move in your favor if you accept support from your spouse.

Support can take a variety of forms. It starts with you both being on the same page with regards to how you will discipline your child.

For example, when starting new rules or explaining something new, it is better received when your little ones see you and your wife on the same page, supporting each other.

3. Embracing patience

Nobody wakes up knowing how to be a better father or parent.

Instead, understand the importance of nurturing your child through this process. It's going to happen. It will require long-suffering, patience, and adjusting.

Expecting your child to quickly fall in line with no pushback or misunderstanding is setting yourself up for failure.

The more you embrace patience with and for your child,

The more you begin to appreciate the fruit of time spent nurturing them privately.

Committing to the work of a father is not easy.

However, nurturing your child is a responsibility you cannot afford to run away from or neglect.

Building a responsible and productive child is the result of the work.

You got this, Dad.


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All Because of Japan