What makes a great father?
We often use our fathers as a reference.
My father wasn't perfect.
But he was always present.
He did the best he could with what he had.
Giving me some of my best childhood memories.
So, what's the secret sauce to being a great dad?
The answer is summed up in 1 word:
Here are 3 steps to grow as a dad:
Step 1: “Become a better listener.”
This is the biggest benefit as a parent
But it’s also the hardest to master.
Commit to listening with the intention to:
Keep your emotions in check.
Step 2: “Kill Fear. Build Trust.”
There is something we share with our son consistently.
“We don't want you to fear us.
We need your trust.”
When your child hits a hard patch, you want their trust. Their trust does 2 things:
Gives you permission and access to help them deal with their problem.
Kills the fear of what your child thinks you may say.
This is the bridge to helping the family unit grow stronger.
Step 3: “Show up when it matters.”
Will you show up when it matters most?
When is your child having a hard time?
When they’re struggling to adjust?
In their life-changing moments?
Those are what define us as parents forever.
As humans, we’re all growing.
It takes effort.
We as dads don’t have it all together.
But what we do have is the opportunity to keep learning and growing.
For ours’s and the sake of our kids.