Strong Support System

The man of the house”

“The head honcho”

You know, the person with the most responsibility in a household.

The Dad.

Your family is the foundation of your growth as a father.

And as a dad, you’re only as effective as the support system you have.

So maintaining that system is critical.

Here are 3 ways you can make sure you maintain a strong support system:

#1. “Respect the Queen.”

The idea is simple:

For you to move like a real king , you have to honor your partner - your wife.

You’re only as strong as the real example you show your kids.

And honoring your wife with respect and love is the way to do just that.

It's a team sport.

You're the first example they will ever see.

Make it count.

#2. “Be a problem solver.”

How you handle stressful family issues speaks volumes about your leadership.

There are 3 things you must learn to do:

  1. Delegate

  2. Over-communicate

  3. Become part of the resolution.

Your kids and wife are watching.

You won't be perfect

But your effort speaks for itself.

#3. “Be patient and grateful.”

This combination is powerful.

As a dad and leader, your patience will be tested daily and your amount of gratitude will determine how you react.

When you start the day with a full cup of gratitude, things move smoother, and you can be thankful that regardless of how crazy it can be as a father you understand that God has brought you and your family this far.

Being the head of your home requires support.

Don’t take for granted.

I’m cheering for you.


Evolving Father