There is always something to do.
Our phones over-consume our very existence.
A time killer, grabbing our attention at every step.
Can we just disconnect for a moment?
Actually, I have a minute to reflect, think, and process.
Dad, you need your time to relax.
Read a book, smoke your favorite cigar, or just sit in silence.
This can all sound simple, yet we struggle to get some disconnection.
Dad, we care about your mental health so to help with this process
Here are 3 reasons why it’s important for you to disconnect:
#1. “Defines your own time”
Why tell you to slow down when the world constantly says, “Go faster!”?
We all need to disconnect. This can be a 5-minute walk, a solo lunch date with yourself, quiet time at the beach, or just a simple gym session.
Just you, your thoughts, and the chance to disconnect.
You define the terms and the amount of time. This will give you a sense of control when the world is trying to get you to do “more” and “go faster”.
There is no special formula for this. Just start and figure out your rhythm & routine.
Define YOUR time.
#2. “Clarity comes from rest”
Rest. We all need it and we all neglect it.
For dads, rest seems to always escape us due to responsibilities at work and at home. However, there’s no excuse not to rest.
In order to really rest, you must disconnect.
Rest provides 3 important things:
Better blood flow
Clarity - no “brain fog”
Rest slows your mind down, allowing you to reset. There is no greater feeling than feeling refreshed and renewed.
Most of all, those moments of decision-making in your household and at work become easier.
Disconnect so you can rest.
And get the clarity you need.
#3. “Peak performance requires a recharge”
One of the benefits of disconnecting is being able to recharge our internal batteries.
Your peak performance at work and at home requires this recharge.
This will allow you to perform better. Your focus level will increase instantly.
Being the best version for your family is vital and your performance can often be dictated by the importance you give your mental and physical well-being.
For example, shutting off your screens 30 minutes before going to bed, being present during family time, power naps, and quiet time are just a few ways you can increase your energy and performance.
Disconnecting has its benefits.
Take care of yourself, dad.
Your family needs you.